Covanhill Powder Coaters offer a wide range of coating and manufacturing specialist services to
companies throughout the UK.  Listed below is what we can do for you.

Coating Services

Covanhill provide a number of different Coating systems to suit your business requirements.

Using only the best international paint suppliers, such as Akzonobel, Proteck, HMG, Paramount and Tiger. Our reputation for attention to detail is second to none. Our fully accredited ISO9001:2015 system and training allow our highly skilled workforce to be able to deal with large quantities of components resulting in quick turnaround times evidenced in our projects.

Coating services:

  • Powder Coating
  • Nylon Coating
  • Plastic Coating
  • Wet Spray

Call us now on 01555 811219


Achieving a steadfast finish, pre-treatments are an essential part of the coating system. Whether it's Plastic, Nylon or Powder Coating, pre-treatment is the initial part of the process. At Covanhill we guarantee that your product receives the appropriate pre-treatment required for relevant component.

  • Chromate Free Etch Priming
  • Pasivating Wash
  • Chemical Strip
  • De-greasing
  • 2 Pack Wet Spray
  • Primer - 1 and 2 Pack Primer
  • Machine Disc Prep

Call us now on 01555 811219

S pray painting & powder coat painting 

Welding & Fabrication

Covanhill provide welding and fabrication services for a diverse range of products. From the manufacturer of EV (electric vehicle) shelters, designed to withstand the extreme weather conditions in the exposed Highlands of Scotland, to the manufacture and build of the bespoke framework to support the window blind system on the historical dome of Edinburgh University.

Our highly experienced team will guide and advise you, whatever your project needs to ensure you achieve your desired solution.

Call us now on 01555 811219


Grit Blasting & Chemical Stripping

Part of our range of specialist pre-treatments, grit blasting is essential to achieve that perfect finish. Carried out on site, we ensure your steel products and items have the best end finish. Covanhill grit blast everything from heavy industrial equipment to domestic railings and metalwork. The grit blasting process benefits steel products.

We also offer chemical stripping, which is mainly used for removing paint from items that cannot be grit blasted due to the nature of the material, for example aluminium and alloys.


Call us now on 01555 811219

Visit our sister site for alloy wheel refurbishment.

Contact us

01555 811 219
07880 508 446

Lanark, ML11 8PA

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